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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

News - Year 4

2022/2023 School Year

We were very impressed with Kyron today when he was awarded Pupil of the Week, a...
16th Oct 2022
This week St. Mary’s will take part again in Maths Week Ireland. During school...
10th Oct 2022
Well done to these P4 pupils who have achieved numerous Mathletics certificates....
27th Sep 2022
We were all delighted to meet our new Mandarin tutor, Annie. All classes will have...
27th Sep 2022
27th Sep 2022
Our new Healthy Kidz coach, Orlagh is providing expert PE lessons on Fridays to classes....
27th Sep 2022
Pat Cadden has commenced Gealic Coaching on Thursdays for P3-7. The pupils are learning...