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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

News - Eco Council

Our Eco Council led Costume Swap as a great success. We are so pleased to have enabled...

2023/2024 School Year

3rd Jun 2024
Our Eco Council have promoted environmental awareness throughout the year. Their...
28th May 2024
Our School and Eco Council were delighted to be invited to hold their latest meeting...
9th Oct 2023
The P7 class had a great trip to Share for the Lough Erne Convention 2023. They...

2022/2023 School Year

28th Jun 2023
Primary 6 got the wonderful opportunity to visit the Encirc factory. The children...
19th May 2023
Primary 6 pupils recently travelled to Florence Court to take part in an archeological...
3rd Apr 2023
We continue to work with Sustrans to promote sustainable travel to and from school....
30th Jan 2023
Primary 6 pupils completed a number of lessons on how to use their bike safely on...