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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

News - Year 4

2022/2023 School Year

4th Jan 2023
As a nurturing school we are continually reviewing and developing our practice. Staff...
15th Dec 2022
The library van comes to school every fortnight. Our P3 and 4 pupils are Library...
8th Dec 2022
We all enjoy using our internal Christmas post service and there is great excitement...
8th Dec 2022
Thanks to Pat Cadden, our Gaelic coach for organising a P4&5 Blitz recently....
8th Dec 2022
P4 continue to promote the anti-bullying message with their posters, which are displayed...
8th Dec 2022
1st Dec 2022
P4 have produced beautiful advent wreaths to take home for the special time to prepare...
23rd Nov 2022
Anti-Bullying week is always a significant event in our school calendar. This year...