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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Year 7

Welcome to the Primary 7 news page!

Primary 7 is a busy and quick year and one in which we want the children to grow into better people and enjoy their final year of primary school!!

How? Work hard and give their best, be kind to everyone and make good decisions as they grow older.

The P7s also will prepare for their next transition to secondary school (an important step in their education/ life journey) and they will prepare and participate in their next sacrament of Confirmation.

Please view our page to find out about the exciting learning opportunities that are happening in and outside our classroom. Enjoy!




4th Jun 2024
Our P4 and P7 sacramental classes, we’re honoured to lead the Parish Corpus...
3rd Jun 2024
Our Eco Council have promoted environmental awareness throughout the year. Their...
28th May 2024
Our School and Eco Council were delighted to be invited to hold their latest meeting...
13th May 2024
St. Mary’s were delighted to receive around 400 hedgerow and trees to plant...

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