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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

News - Year 2

10th Jun 2024
We were delighted to host the Fleadh on Sunday 9th June. Musicians from the across...
6th Jun 2024
This week primary 2 had the opportunity to participate in an online art lesson with...
23rd May 2024
As part of their topic ‘Helping Hands’, Primary 2 were very lucky to...
13th May 2024
The younger pupils have been enjoying lots of outdoor learning and play during the...
8th May 2024
Primary 2 had a fantastic day out at Fermanagh Fun Farm. The P2 class were the lucky...
28th Apr 2024
Thank-you to the Friends of St Mary’s and the Student Council for suggesting...
23rd Apr 2024
The boys and girls in Primary 2 have been very busy learning lots of new skills and...
27th Mar 2024
Congratulations to all the pupils who earned 100% Attendance this term! Th P2 pupils...
15th Mar 2024
☘️ What a fabulous ‘Green Day’ in St. Mary’s today! We hope...