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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

News - Eco Council

2018/2019 School Year

20th Jun 2019
The boys and girls have been carefully watching over the poly tunnel and finally...
17th May 2019
Several months ago Miss Mc Guigan's brother gifted us with some seeds to grow in...
14th May 2019
Cloghda and James from our ECO Committee gave some gardening tips to pupils in both...
8th May 2019
Primary 5 enjoyed gardening in the polytunnel. The children have planted strawberries,...
5th Apr 2019
As the weather improves, our Eco Council are encouraging all classes to begin...
4th Apr 2019
The Primary 7s have been working with their P7 peers at Newtownbutler PS and St....
3rd Apr 2019
Our P7 students have been working with Miss Teague from St. Kevin's, Lisnaskea and...