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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

News - Year 6

2022/2023 School Year

24th Oct 2022
All KS2 pupils were set a target for Accelerated Reading this half-term. Those who...
24th Oct 2022
Those pupils from P4-7 who had earned gold and silver Mathletics awards were acknowledged...
20th Oct 2022
As part of their topic Primary 6 have developed their map reading skills by identifying...
20th Oct 2022
Primary 6 took their learning outdoors to the beautiful sunshine on Tuesday to celebrate...
20th Oct 2022
The children designed their very own tessellation artwork. They first used 2D shapes...
20th Oct 2022
On Monday the children of P6 celebrated Maths Week Ireland by completing a maths...
20th Oct 2022
To celebrate Math Week Ireland, the Primary 6 children took on the role of teachers...
16th Oct 2022
This week St. Mary’s will take part again in Maths Week Ireland. During school...