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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

News - Year 5

19th Jun 2024
Congratulations to Eabha who earned the principal's award for her great work helping...
10th Jun 2024
We were delighted to host the Fleadh on Sunday 9th June. Musicians from the across...
3rd Jun 2024
Our Eco Council have promoted environmental awareness throughout the year. Their...
28th May 2024
Our School and Eco Council were delighted to be invited to hold their latest meeting...
23rd May 2024
Congratulations to Nina who was invited to the Ardhowen Theatre to be presented with...
13th May 2024
Well done to the P5 pupils who earned Mathletics certificates in Assembly this week.
13th May 2024
Well done to Claire who was recently sponsored tp donate her hair to the Little Princess...
13th May 2024
Congratulations to these P5 pupils who recently met their Accelerated Reading targets.
9th May 2024
Our School Council has consulted again recently to determine the most popular clubs...
1st May 2024
Well done to our latest P5 Accelerated Reading and Lexia Achievers.