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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

AR reading Updates: the last week to do tests online!

1st Jun 2020

Well done to all those who have read books this week and tested on AR. Thank you and you are playing your part towards our challenge. We are nearly there with only one week left to meet your target, reach your word count and complete tests. 

It certainly was girl power this week with many girls doing quizzes and reaching their targets. Let's see the boys respond for the very last week!

Please keep up the reading- it is a perfect opportunity now in June with school work slowing down, so pile on your sun screen and if yuo can, sit out doors enjoying a good read, or even before bed to spend time on your reading, it's a lovely way to relax before you no off. 

Remember what Mrs Kelly often says, 'the more you read, the better reader you become!' 

Stay safe and keep reading!