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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh


23rd May 2024
Congratulations to Nina who was invited to the Ardhowen Theatre to be presented with...
13th May 2024
The younger pupils have been enjoying lots of outdoor learning and play during the...
13th May 2024
St. Mary’s were delighted to receive around 400 hedgerow and trees to plant...
13th May 2024
Well done to the P5 pupils who earned Mathletics certificates in Assembly this week.
13th May 2024
Congratulations to Faolan who was able to tell everyone about the Feast of the Ascension...
13th May 2024
Well done to Claire who was recently sponsored tp donate her hair to the Little Princess...
13th May 2024
Congratulations to these P5 pupils who recently met their Accelerated Reading targets.