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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh


2018/2019 School Year

11th Apr 2019
During term 2, Primary 2 pupils from St Mary's, Newtownbutler Primary School and...
11th Apr 2019
Following our successful raffle, £570 pounds was raised for charity. The School...
10th Apr 2019
Linking in with our Literacy topic 'Does chocolate grow on trees?', we became chocolate...
8th Apr 2019
As part of our 'Yum Yum' topic and following our reading of picture books 'The Hungry...
5th Apr 2019
The P6 and P7 pupils went to Lisnaskea Emmet's on Friday to practise their Gaelic...
5th Apr 2019
Pupils are given support to work on their homework in After School Club...
5th Apr 2019
The pupils are pictured here as they enjoy preparing a healthy meal for after school....
5th Apr 2019
As the weather improves, our Eco Council are encouraging all classes to begin...
4th Apr 2019
The Primary 7s have been working with their P7 peers at Newtownbutler PS and St....