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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

St Mary's leading the way at home with an eco-friendly approach! Well done!

15th May 2020

Students have been looking after our wildlife and environment over the last few weeks. It is so important that we all set the right example for this and our children are really stepping up!

Some ideas include:

  • Reduce, reduce, recycle (in the proper bins).
  • Please do not litter around our towns or country roads- have respect.
  • Take care of our birds and wildlife with bird feeders, bug hotels and gardens.
  • Reduce our plastic use and plastic bags by using one carrier bags and not dumping plastic along the oceans.
  • Cut down on fossil fuels.
  • Cycle or walk instead of using the car.

It is great to see many people becoming involved in this and educating people. We educate through good example and standards. 

A big shout out to Oisin and his brother Fionn and Conor McG plus family in P7 who have sent in some super photos of their families looking after the environment. You are never too young to make a difference!