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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Sponsored Fitness Day

24th Feb 2020

Many thanks to all the family and friends who sponsored the pupils to participate in our fitness day with Freddy Kindersley from Energy Fitness. The kids had super fun and although there are a few more sponsor forms to be returned, it looks like we have raised in the region of £1700 towards our rolling programme of replacing our interactive whiteboards with Smartboards in each class. Well done to the School Council for arranging this fund raising event. 

The kids had a great day. There were lots of laughs as the kids practised their new dance moves to the latest hits. Freddy certainly puts the fun in Fitness. On a more serious note, he also gave a very valuable talk to P6 and 7 pupils on how they can stay fit and look after their bodies for a healthy future.