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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Road Safety NI competition deadline this Friday! P1-P4 pupils.

12th May 2020

Road Safe NI are inviting primary school children in Northern Ireland (P1-P4) to participate in our road safety colouring in competition.  We wanted to offer a nice educational activity to keep your children busy while they are off school during the Covid 19 pandemic. There are prizes (Smyths Vouchers) for the best pictures.

The closing date for the competition is Friday 15th May 2020. Entries can be returned by email to Tricia at or posted to Davy Jackson at Road Safe NI, 48 Copperthorpe, Drumahoe, Co. Londonderry, BT47 3LT.

If you are returning by email please write the name of the child in the email and what primary they are in.  If you are returning by post, please write the child’s name, address or telephone number (so we can contact you) and primary on the back of their completed entry.

Enjoy! I'm sure we have KS1 pupils who will want to get involved.

The link is below: