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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

P7 Online Learning update!

1st May 2020

Here is some work by the P7 class as we start off our new journey on Seesaw. It has been great to catch up with them and their parents during this unprecedented time. The work includes a wide range of subjects from the curriculum such as ICT, PDMU (transition/ online safety/ mental health/ road safety), Literacy, Numeracy, Mental Maths, WAU, P.E., R.E. and the Arts. Thank you for your work and support so far! Keep it up and a big thank you to the parents for their involvement and support as well. It is important to find a balance between work and fun activities which you seem to be coping with well. Most importantly, keep safe and take care of yourselves and our communities. Live in the present and remember that we can't control the news or any decisions based on lockdown. See this time as a positive: more family time or a time to learn something new. Allow yourself to have a bad day- that's normal when things are uncertain but have tips in place for your own self care and mental fitness. Thanks again- God Bless, Mr. N Sludden