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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

P1 Home Learning 4th-7th May

7th May 2020


Girls and boys in P1 have continued to work so hard this week during home learning. They have been using their knowledge of phonics to spell their name using things in their house. They have been building houses for the birds outside and going on Senses walks in the great weather to link in with their topic ‘On Our Doorstep.’ Children have been practising their formation of curly caterpillar letters, learning new sounds and writing sentences. This week our numeracy focus was on adding - children were practising adding using practical materials and made their own adding machines to help them at home. May is the month of Mary and children created their own beautiful May Altars at home. Play activities this week included Fun Healthy Snacks and making their own ‘Lava Lamp’ - check out Kyron’s cool video!!  Take a look at some of the fantastic work they have been doing.