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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Mental Health Awareness Week: A special well done and thank you Oisin (P7) for his act of charity.

18th May 2020

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme of the week is "Kindness".

Kindness is an area we can all develop not least by thinking of different examples of being kind. This current situation with COVID 19 has generated acts of kindness from many people. We hear of many people who are donating to charitable organisations or our front line services and people stepping forward to help others in times of need. It is so positive and creates a domino effect for the whole community. Helping others also creates a sense of self-satisfaction. 

Encourage kindness in your home, reach out to others in need and set the right example. We encourage our children to be kind to others with our example in school and through charitable links with organisations such as Trocaire, the NSPCC,  and many others. This means being kind with our words, thoughts and online actions.

Oisin (P7) displayed a fantastic act of kindness by donating his birthday money to the charity Pieta House and Darkness into Light which does brilliant work for those affected by mental health. We are all so proud of you Oisin and no doubt you felt great after selflessly getting up for the Sunrise walk and contributing to a super cause. 

As Mother Theresa said, three things in human life are important:

  1. Be Kind
  2. Be Kind
  3. Be Kind