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St Mary's Primary School, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh

Attention: P5- P7 pupils and parents. REN or AR reading still available online. Keep reading!

5th May 2020

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. Some of you may be aware of this already but I just wanted to make sure all the classes and parents were updated with the REN reading. You can do quizzes online on books or novels and some children have already began to do that. Thank you! The link is below for the AR website, just copy and paste to google. Log in with your normal username and password.

Targets have been set and we would encourage the children to keep reading and continuing their reading development. This is so important and some ideas to help include setting a timer for reading, reading after lunch or at a certain time of the day and reading before bed. Promote reading and we want the pupils to enjoy their reading and read for pleasure. We may even have some millionaires by the end of the year hopefully. We also are aware that not all pupils or homes will have novels or books around so there are some online websites that you can use for e-reading books. These are all on the home learning pages of the classes and there are links below.

Thanks for your support and keep reading!

Below is a link for the AR website:

Below is a link for trying to see if a book is on the Accelerated reader system:

If this is not possible, there are free online books that you can possibly do quizzes on. See the below link: